Creating Teaching Portfolios

Teaching Portfolios are required in all dossiers for candidates with assigned teaching duties. A Teaching Portfolio is a collection of selected instructional materials to support the discussion of teaching in the Candidate Statement. You will want to situate your teaching within best practices in the field. You should include a selection of instructional materials to document instructional innovations, curricular designs, and outcomes assessments. The downloadable templates for documenting course and mentoring information can be found on the Promotion Dossiers Template, in Section 6A.  Additionally, by providing information about specific course goals, and student populations in your Teaching Portfolio, you can provide reviewers with a better sense of the contexts in which you teach. 

A full list of possible materials is included in the Section 6A of the Promotion Dossier Template

  • The University of Arizona’s University Center for Assessment, Teaching and Technology has many resources at the following weblinks:

Additional resources can be found online:

  • Brown University’s Teaching Portfolio by Hannelore B. Rodriguez-Farrar
  • University Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Ohio State University’s Teaching Portfolio Resources: Teaching Portfolio Development 
  • The University of California, Berkeley provides detailed advice on each aspect of the teaching portfolio.
  • How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy by The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Rubric for Evaluating Teaching Portfolios from the University of Indiana
  • Inclusive Curricula and Classrooms Classroom observations 
    Candidate Statements, and other aspects of Teaching Portfolios should demonstrate that candidates are utilizing evidence-based methods such as universal design principles to meet the needs of all learners, including those from traditionally unrepresented backgrounds. Further information on inclusive pedagogies is available at the University of Arizona’s Inclusive Teaching Practices and the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning’s Inclusive Teaching Strategies.   

In addition to discussion of their teaching outcomes and description of evidence in the Candidate Statement, candidates should include a teaching philosophy statement in the Teaching Portfolio. The teaching philosophy is distinct because it is less focused on demonstrating evidence of excellence and rather allows the candidate to focus more on their philosophical approach to pedagogy and how that informs the development of their classes. In this section, faculty may choose to clarify how they use evidence-based approaches to developing syllabi, classroom activities, or evaluation of students. Faculty may describe how their classes link to the broader curriculum and education of students within a discipline or for specific future jobs or advanced study. In particular, this section may include additional information about strategies to implement collaborative learning space activities, technological advances, experiential learning, community-engaged activities, service-learning activities, online activities, or other pedagogical innovations. To find more information on how a teaching philosophy is unique from the Candidate Statement, see this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education that describes the intent of the teaching philosophy statement.