Leadership and Service Portfolios

Tips on Using Leadership and Service Portfolios to Document Impact and Innovation

If extension, position effectiveness, administrative leadership, or other service duties make up a significant portion of your assigned duties, submit Section 7: The Portfolio to Document Leadership, Extension, Service, and Innovation. This portfolio provides an opportunity to document the scope, quality, and impact of your contributions in areas that are beyond the traditional academic community. This section may include description and evidence of community and economic impact in extension, position effectiveness for information professionals or innovations in translational or applied research, and/or patent inventions. This portfolio can also be used to document administrative service. One example of administrative impact may be shown through the development of new programs and initiatives, by including not only a description, as well as evidence of growth and impact. Given that this section is a portfolio it is common that candidates will provide examples of their work in this area. Candidates should consult our resource page on the Inclusive View of Scholarship.  Also, view the link here for a brief, not exhaustive, list of types of materials that are well-suited to include in this section.

A template letter is provided in Appendix E for requesting letters to document your collaborations with business or community partners, including schools, other state agencies, or collaborators on commercialization activities and tech transfer.

This section is required for continuing-status track candidates to document their position effectiveness and outreach activities and programming. Candidates should specifically provide evidence for all elements of their workload assignment and position that is indicated in Section 2 of the dossier. Please connect with mentors who are familiar with continuing status dossiers to see examples and to get specific feedback on the format and norms for continuing status evaluations.