Faculty Affairs offers workshops in the early Spring on dossier preparation for candidates of all tracks as well as review committees, department heads, chairs or directors. Please see our Promotion Workshops page for information on previous workshops, as well as materials and resources
Tips on Documentation of Scholarship or Creative Activity
Each discipline has its own norms to represent scholarship or creative activity; thus, the first step for candidates is to work closely with mentors within their department and mentors across the nation/globe within their field.
We strongly encourage candidates to clearly distinguish between work that is already published, work that is currently in press, work that is under review, and work that is in progress (not submitted yet). We encourage everyone to read and follow the advice from the following websites:
A specific and relevant definition on forthcoming material and in press is provided here for clarity:
“Forthcoming material consists of journal articles or books accepted for publication but not yet published. "Forthcoming" has replaced the former "in press" because changes in the publishing industry make the latter term obsolete.
Do not include as forthcoming those articles that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted for publication. Note that some publishers will not accept references to any form of unpublished items in a reference list.”
We strongly encourage candidates to clearly distinguish between grants that are awarded, or submitted. We require candidates to clarify the following information when reporting grants: grant title, percent effort on the grant, role (PI, Co-PI, Consultant, Collaborator), source of funding or agency, full funding amount, indirect and direct funding amounts. Also, please designate for submitted grants, if pending (under review) or unfunded (not awarded). See more information in Section 4 – Curriculum Vitae.