Track Transfer Review

Guidelines for Track Transfer Appointments

There are many opportunities to transition postdoctoral scholars and career-track faculty to other titled appointments within the university. Transitions are finalized with the approval of the Dean or Provost following recommendations by the designated committees and administrators, which may include the endorsement of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences for colleges in the Arizona Health Sciences. Track Transfers can be requested throughout the year but are based on annual performance reviews and related discussions with department heads, chairs or directors, and deans.

  • For transitions from Postdoctoral Scholar to Career-Track LecturerAssistant Clinical or Research Professor are final with the decision from the Office of the Provost.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College,
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6: Teaching Portfolio (optional for transitions to Assistant Research Professor),
    • Section 11: Recommendations from a departmental committee, head or director, and dean's endorsement, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.
  • For transitions from Adjunct titles to Career-Track Instructor or Lecturer are final with the decision of the department head, chair, or director.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 2: Workload Assignment,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College (no criteria needed for Instructor)
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6 (Modified): A List of Classes Taught and Student Evaluations (no need to include peer observations). 
    • Section 11 (Modified): Brief decision memo from the departmental head, chair or director, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.
  • For transitions from Adjunct titles to Career-Track Assistant Clinical, Research Professor, or Professor of Practice are final with a decision from the Office of the Provost.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 2: Workload Assignment,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College,
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6: Teaching Portfolio (optional for transitions to Assistant Research Professor or Assistant Clinical Professor),
    • Section 11: Recommendations from a departmental committee, head or director, and dean's endorsement, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.
  • For transitions within Career Track from Instructor to Lecturer are final with the decision of the department head, chair, or director.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 2: Workload Assignment,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College (no criteria needed for Instructor)
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6 (Modified): A List of Classes Taught and Student Evaluations (no need to include peer observations). 
    • Section 11 (Modified): Brief decision memo from the departmental head, chair or director, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.
  • For transitions within Career Track from Instructor or Lecturer to Assistant Clinical, Research Professor, or Professor of Practice are final with a decision from the Office of the Provost. As required in UHAP 3.03.3.E, reappointments of lecturers to career track assistant professor titles must be “justified by increased responsibilities such as expanded teaching or supervisory duties.”  This change in duties should be noted in the workload assignment in the promotion dossier.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 2: Workload Assignment,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College,
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6: Teaching Portfolio (optional for transitions to Assistant Research Professor or Assistant Clinical Professor),
    • Section 11: Recommendations from a departmental committee, head or director, and dean's endorsement, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.
  • For transitions within Career Track from Assistant Clinical Professor to Assistant Professor of Practice are final with a decision from the Office of the Provost. As required in UHAP 3.03.3.G, appointments of assistant clinical professor to career track assistant professor titles will “require evidence of promise, adequate training, depth of knowledge in a particular specialty, and capacity to undertake high-quality teaching, research, and service.”  This change in duties should be noted in the workload assignment in the promotion dossier.
    • Section 1: Summary Data Sheet, including prior service as appropriate,
    • Section 2: Workload Assignment,
    • Section 3: Promotion Criteria for Department and College,
    • Section 4: Curriculum Vitae (4A and 4B are not needed),
    • Section 6: Teaching Portfolio (optional for transitions to Assistant Research Professor or Assistant Clinical Professor),
    • Section 11: Recommendations from a departmental committee, head or director, and dean's endorsement, and
      • Draft offer letter to the candidate with Position Description.

A competitive hiring process will be required for any other type of position appointment.