Promotion Workshops

The information below is for the 2024-25 Promotion Cycle 

In harmony with our mission to cultivate and connect institutional structures for faculty advancement, Faculty Affairs has developed a workshop series to support faculty and administrators involved in faculty pathways to promotion and tenure. The series of selected topics will be offered online and in-person.

Virtual content

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Tenure Track

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Continuing Status Track

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Career Track

Crafting your Candidate Statement for Promotion

  • Watch videoDownload presentation materials.
  • To get started on preparing the candidate statements to introduce the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will learn:
    • how to write a compelling candidate statement,
    • highlight impact,
    • identify key innovations,
    • use purposeful language for external and/or internal reviewers, and
    • creating a description of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Candidate Statements are vital to outline the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Putting together the Teaching Portfolio and Resources (Section 6)

Putting together the Portfolio for Leadership, Extension, Service or Innovation (Section 7)

Department Heads and Directors Promotion Training

  • Watch videoDownload presentation materials
  • This presentation prepares administrators, heads and directors who are new or experienced for their role in the promotion review process. Learn the pivotal steps of heads and directors in their department or unit’s promotion reviews, as well as the importance of maintaining a balanced, procedural error-free review of candidates.

Promotion Peer Review Committee Training 

  • Watch videoDownload presentation materials
  • Are you a new committee member serving on a review for promotion?  In this presentation, members learn best practices when serving on committees and the online tools available to review promotion candidates.

RPT Training for Department, Unit or College Coordinators or Managers​​​​​

  • Associated EDGE Learning: Faculty Profile – RPT for Faculty Affairs Coordinators 
  • Learn how to manage your area’s promotion reviews online with Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).  This workshop will train staff on how to do the following in RPT:
    • uploading documents for a case,
    • soliciting for review letters,
    • managing multiple types of reviews and committees; and
    • sending forward or backward cases through the review steps.

RPT System Training for Associate Deans, Department Heads and Peer Reviewers

Training for use of Dossier Management Checklist for Department Coordinators and Faculty Affairs Leads

Please complete before April 5th, 2024. 

In-person workshops

These workshops will be hosted by your college, where Dr. Andrea Romero will be in attendance. For further inquiry regarding the workshop dates, please contact your college representative. 

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at

Spring 2023 Promotion Workshop Schedule

The following promotion workshops were offered in March of 2023: 

In harmony with our mission to cultivate and connect institutional structures for faculty advancement, Faculty Affairs has developed a workshop series to support faculty and administrators involved in faculty pathways to promotion and tenure. The series of selected topics will be offered online and in-person.

Virtual content

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Tenure Track

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Continuing Track

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Career Track

Crafting your Candidate Statement for Promotion

  • Watch videoDownload presentation materials.
  • To get started on preparing the candidate statements to introduce the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will learn:
    • how to write a compelling candidate statement,
    • highlight impact,
    • identify key innovations,
    • use purposeful language for external and/or internal reviewers, and
    • creating a description of the effects of the COViD-19 pandemic.
    • Candidate Statements are vital to outline the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Putting together the Teaching Portfolio and Resources (Section 6)

Putting together the Portfolio for Leadership, Extension, Service or Innovation (Section 7)

Promotion and Tenure Process Training for Administrators, Department Heads and Directors

  • Watch videoDownload presentation materials
  • This presentation prepares administrators, heads and directors who are new or experienced for their role in the promotion review process. Learn the pivotal steps of heads and directors in their department or unit’s promotion reviews, as well as the importance of maintaining a balanced, procedural error-free review of candidates.

Promotion and Tenure Reviewer Training for Peer Review Committees

  • Watch video | Download presentation materials. This recording and materials will be available soon. Please review past years' recorded workshop below if needed.
  • Are you a new committee member serving on a review for promotion?  In this presentation, members learn best practices when serving on committees and the online tools available to review promotion candidates.

RPT Training for Department, Unit or College Coordinators or Managers​​​​​

  • Associated EDGE Learning: Faculty Profile - RPT for Faculty Affairs Coordinators
  • Learn how to manage your area’s promotion reviews online with Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).  This workshop will train staff on how to do the following in RPT:
    • uploading documents for a case,
    • soliciting for review letters,
    • managing multiple types of reviews and committees; and
    • sending forward or backward cases through the review steps.

RPT Software Training for Reviewers

  • Watch video | Download presentation materials. This recording and materials will be available soon. Please review past years' recorded workshop below if needed.

In-person workshops [Concluded for Spring 2023]

Workshop Session: Candidate Statements. 

  • Participants will interact with past faculty P&T committee members to receive feedback on how to write a compelling candidate statement, highlight impact, and learn to use purposeful language for external/internal reviewers. Candidate Statements are vital to outline the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research. Participants are asked to bring their drafts. 

Workshop Session: Teaching Portfolio and Resources (Section 6). 

Workshop Session: Portfolio for Leadership, Extension, Service or Innovation (Section 7). 

  • This workshop will enable candidates to document their broader contributions. 

Workshop Session: Going Up for Full. 

  • This workshop will include a discussion of how to document your programs of work, administrative leadership and service initiatives to demonstrate impact. 

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at

Spring 2022 Promotion Workshop Schedule

The following promotion workshops were offered in April of 2022: 

Preparing for Promotion on the Career Track

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

The workshop will provide an overview of the review process for career-track faculty candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their innovation in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should download and review our Guide to Career-Track Promotion and the Promotion Dossier template for Career Track.

Preparing for Promotion on the Continuing or Tenure Track

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

This workshop will provide an overview of the review process for continuing and tenure track candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their impact in research, teaching and service in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should review our Guide to the Promotion Process and the Promotion Dossier templates for Continuing Status or Promotion & Tenure.

The following promotion workshops have been previously recorded to be watched at your convenience:

Making Your Statement for Promotion

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

To get started on preparing the candidate statements to introduce the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will learn:

  • how to write a compelling candidate statement,
  • highlight impact,
  • identify key innovations,
  • use purposeful language for external and/or internal reviewers, and
  • creating a description of the effects of the COViD-19 pandemic.

Candidate Statements are vital to outline the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Using Portfolios to Document Impact, Innovation, and Leadership

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video

The University’s Inclusive View of Scholarship recognizes the integral relations among research, teaching, service, and outreach.  To enable candidates to document their broader contributions, promotion dossiers include teaching portfoliosprotocols for classroom observations, and an optional service and outreach portfolio, which candidates can use to document their broader leadership. In this workshop, we will also note our support for preparing teaching portfolios and answer questions related to the recent changes with student evaluations.

Going Up for Full

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

This workshop will include a discussion of how to document your programs of work, administrative leadership and service initiatives to demonstrate impact.  The discussion will take note of The Modern Language Association’s Standing Still survey of the career patterns of associate professors, including female faculty. 

Promotion Review Training for Administrators, Department Heads and Directors

View the slide presentation (pdf). View the recorded video for (RPT) Review, Promotion, and Tenure system only.
A recorded video link will be added with recent updates on promotion dossier template and process.

This presentation will prepare administrators, heads and directors who are new or experienced for their role in the promotion review process. Learn the pivotal steps of heads and directors in their department or unit’s promotion reviews, as well as the importance of maintaining a balanced, procedural error-free review of candidates.

Promotion Review Training for Committee Members

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

View recorded video for (RPT) Review, Promotion, and Tenure system only.

Are you a new committee member serving on a review for promotion?  In this workshop, members will learn best practices when serving on committees and the online tools available to review promotion candidates.

RPT Administrator Training for Department, Unit or College Coordinators or Managers

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

Learn how to manage your area’s promotion reviews online with Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).  This workshop will train staff on how to do the following in RPT:

  • uploading documents for a case,
  • soliciting for review letters,
  • managing multiple types of reviews and committees; and
  • sending forward or backward cases through the review steps.

Candidate Training for Dossier Submission to Review, Promotion, Tenure (RPT)

View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.

Candidates will learn how to submit their sections of the dossier into Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) for 2021-2022. Attend this workshop to view step-by-step how to begin this new university process.

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at

2020-2021 Promotion Workshop Schedule

Making Your Statement for Promotion

Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 3:30-5:00 pm. View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.


PDF icon 2021_01_13_Making Your Statement for Promotion.pdf

To get started on preparing the candidate statements to introduce the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will learn:

  • how to write a compelling candidate statement,
  • highlight impact,
  • identify key innovations,
  • use purposeful language for external and/or internal reviewers, and
  • creating a description of the effects of the COViD-19 pandemic.

Candidate Statements are vital to outline the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Using Portfolios to Document Impact, Innovation, and Leadership

Friday, January 22, 2021, 8:30-9:50 am. View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video


PDF icon 2021_01_22 Portfolios to Document Impact Innovation Leadership.pdf

The University’s Inclusive View of Scholarship recognizes the integral relations among research, teaching, service, and outreach.  To enable candidates to document their broader contributions, promotion dossiers include teaching portfoliosprotocols for classroom observations, and an optional service and outreach portfolio, which candidates can use to document their broader leadership. In this workshop, we will also note our support for preparing teaching portfolios and answer questions related to the recent changes with student evaluations.

Going Up for Full

Friday, February 12, 2021,1:30-2:50 pm.  View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.


PDF icon GoingUpForFull2.12.2021.pdf

This workshop will include a discussion of how to document your programs of work, administrative leadership and service initiatives to demonstrate impact.  The discussion will take note of The Modern Language Association’s Standing Still survey of the career patterns of associate professors, including female faculty. 

Preparing for Promotion on the Career Track

Monday, February 15, 2021, 2:00-3:30 pm.  View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.


PDF icon 2021 CareerTrack Promotion Workshop_02.15.2021_Final.pdf

The workshop will provide an overview of the review process for career-track faculty candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their innovation in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should download and review our Guide to Career-Track Promotion and the Promotion Dossier template for Career Track.

Preparing for Promotion on the Continuing or Tenure Track

Thursday, February 25, 2021, 10:30-12:00 pm.  View the slide presentation (pdf) and recorded video.


PDF icon 2021.02.25 Preparing for Promotion_CS_TT_Final.pdf

This workshop will provide an overview of the review process for continuing and tenure track candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their impact in research, teaching and service in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should review our Guide to the Promotion Process and the Promotion Dossier templates for Continuing Status or Promotion & Tenure.

Promotion Reviews for Administrators, Department Heads and Directors and Promotion Review Training for Committee Members

Friday, March 12, 2021, 10:00–11:30 am.  View the slide (pdf) presentation. View recorded video for (RPT) Review, Promotion, and Tenure system only.
A recorded video link will be added with recent updates on promotion dossier template and process.


PDF icon 2021.03.12 Administrators Workshop on Promotion Process.pdf

This presentation will prepare administrators, heads and directors who are new or experienced for their role in the promotion review process. Learn the pivotal steps of heads and directors in their department or unit’s promotion reviews, as well as the importance of maintaining a balanced, procedural error-free review of candidates.

Promotion Reviews for Committee Members

Thursday, March 25, 2021, 10:30-12:00 pm.  View the slide (pdf) presentation and recorded video. View recorded video for (RPT) Review, Promotion, and Tenure system only.


PDF icon Peer Review Committee Workshop on Promotion Process_3.19.2021.pdf

Are you a new committee member serving on a review for promotion?  In this workshop, members will learn best practices when serving on committees and the online tools available to review promotion candidates.

RPT Administrator Training for Department, Unit or College Coordinators or Managers

Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 11:00-12:30 pm. View the slide (pdf) presentation and recorded video.


PDF icon 2021.04.06 - RPT Administrator Tools for the Review Process.pdf

Learn how to manage your area’s promotion reviews online with Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).  This workshop will train staff on how to do the following in RPT:

  • uploading documents for a case,
  • soliciting for review letters,
  • managing multiple types of reviews and committees; and
  • sending forward or backward cases through the review steps.

Candidate Training for Dossier Submission to Review, Promotion, Tenure (RPT)

Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:00-11:30 am.  View the slide (pdf) presentation and recorded video.


PDF icon Candidate Experience for Review, Promotion and Tenure_2021.04.22.pdf

Candidates will learn how to submit their sections of the dossier into Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) for 2021-2022. Attend this workshop to view step-by-step how to begin this new university process.

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at 626.0202 or

Previous Workshops

Going Up for Full

Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 9:30-10:50 am, Old Main, Silver & Sage, RSVPPPTXvideo link

This workshop will include a discussion of how to document your programs of work, administrative leadership and service initiatives to demonstrate impact.  The discussion will take note of The Modern Language Association’s Standing Still survey of the career patterns of associate professors, including female faculty. 

Teaching & Service Portfolios that Document Impact, Innovation, and Leadership  

Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 12:30-1:50 pm, Old Main, Silver & Sage, RSVPPPTXvideo link

The University’s Inclusive View of Scholarship recognizes the integral relations among research, teaching, service, and outreach.  To enable candidates to document their broader contributions, promotion dossiers include teaching portfoliosprotocols for classroom observations, and an optional service and outreach portfolio, which candidates can use to document their broader leadership. In this workshop, we will also note our support for preparing teaching portfolios and answer questions related to the recent changes with student evaluations.

Preparing for Promotion on the Career Track

Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 3:30-4:45 pm, HARV 305, PPTX and video link.
(Unfortunately, some of the audio in the recording was not captured. We apologize for this and will post the slide presentation by Thursday, February 20. If there are any questions, please email

The workshop will provide an overview of the review process for career-track faculty candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their innovation in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should download and review our Guide to Career-Track Promotion and the Promotion Dossier template for Career Track.

Preparing for Promotion on the Continuing or Tenure Track

Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 3:30-4:50 pm, GITT 129BPPTX and video link

This workshop will provide an overview of the review process for continuing and tenure track candidates only. We will review the parts of the dossier and the best practices candidates can document their impact in research, teaching and service in the dossier. To get the most out of the workshop, participants should review our Guide to the Promotion Process and the Promotion Dossier templates for Continuing Status or Promotion & Tenure.

Making a Statement for Promotion

Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 1:30-3:00 pm in ILC 125, PPTX, and video link

To get started on preparing the candidate statements that introduces the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will learn:

  1. how to write a compelling candidate statement.
  2. identify key innovations,
  3. highlight impact, and
  4. use purposeful language for external and internal reviewers

Candidate Statements are vital to outlining the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Workshop on the Promotion Review Process for Committee Members

October 1, 2019 at 3:15-4:45 pm in the College of Medicine Building, room 2117

If you are veteran or new serving at the department or college level, this workshop will specifically addresses the role of the committee member in the promotion review process. 

This workshop will not be recorded.  The power point presentation and handouts are below.

September 17 and October 1 workshops PPTX
Handouts: Dossier Dos & Don'ts | Promotion Resources | UHAP 7.01 Professional Conduct Policy Revision

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at 626.0202 or

Going Up for Full

Wednesday, February 6, 8-9:30 am, Marley Building, room 230, RSVP here.

This workshop will include a discussion of how to document your programs of work, administrative leadership and service initiatives to demonstrate impact.  The discussion will take note of The Modern Language Association’s Standing Still survey of the career patterns of associate professors, including female faculty. 

Download from "Going Up for Full":
Presentation (pptx)
Handout (pdf)
Suggested article to read (pdf)
Video Recording of Workshop (Panopto - login with UA Net ID)

Making a Statement

Monday, February 18, 11:30-1 pm, Old Main Building, Silver and Sage Room, RSVP here.

To get started on preparing the candidate statements that introduces the promotion dossiers, participants in this workshop will work in small groups to discuss sample Candidate Statements. Candidate Statements are vital to outlining the impact of candidates’ service, teaching, and research.  They play an especially important role in documenting the sorts of community-based scholarship, partnerships, and outreach that are highlighted in our Inclusive View of Scholarship. Candidate Statements provide an opportunity for associate professors to discuss their institutional leadership and impact.

Handout (pdf)
Sample Statements (UA Box - login with UA Net ID)
Audio Recording of Workshop (Panopto - login with UA Net ID)

Preparing the Promotion Dossier

Tuesday, March 12, 3-4:30 pm, Old Main Building, Silver and Sage Room, no RSVP required.

The Annual Workshop on Promotion, Tenure, and Continuing Status provides an overview of the review process for candidates, committee members, staff, and administrators.  We will review the parts of the dossier and the ways they can be used to document and assess the quality and impact of candidates. 

Handout (pdf)
Presentation (pptx)
Audio Recording of Workshop (Panopto - login with UA Net ID)

Using Portfolios to Document Impact and Leadership

Thursday, March 21, 8:30-10 am, Old Main Building, Silver and Sage Room, RSVP here.

The University’s Inclusive View of Scholarship recognizes the integral relations among research, teaching, service, and outreach.  To enable candidates to document their broader contributions, promotion dossiers include teaching portfoliosprotocols for classroom observations, and an optional service and outreach portfolio, which candidates can use to document their broader leadership.  In this workshop, we will also note our support for preparing teaching portfolios.

Handouts (pdfs) Peer Review of Teaching Protocol | Teaching & Service Portfolios | Criteria for Peer Review of Teaching
Presentation (pptx)
Video Recording of Workshop (Panopto - login with UA Net ID)

Promotion Opportunities for Career Track Faculty

Wednesday, March 27, 2:00-3:30 pm, Old Main Building, Silver and Sage Room, RSVP here.

UHAP Chapter 3 was recently updated to clarify promotion processes and possible timelines for career track faculty. This workshop provides a hands-on opportunity to learn about resources and strategies for engaging in conversations with supervisors about promotion. The invited panel will discuss some of the issues that have been raised by faculty across campus, and go over the kinds of materials you may want or need to prepare for a promotion review. 

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at 626.0202 or

Presentation (pdf)
Video Recording of Workshop (Panopto -login with UA Net ID)