Our Work

Using proactive recruitment, search committees can seek out and attract the best faculty from all over our state, nation, and the world. Proactive recruitment takes time, but it works.  A new faculty hire is one of the most important investments departments make for their future, so it is worth investing the time to proactively recruit.  Proactive recruitment can generate a representative group of talented people from which to select a colleague, it signals to applicants that the UA is the kind of highly engaged creative community they want to join, and once an offer is made, candidates are more likely to say yes.

The Strategic Priorities Faculty Initiative (SPFI) provides temporary University financial support to academic departments enabling them to hire additional full-time, tenure- track faculty or continuing track academic professionals who will enhance UArizona's Purpose, Mission and Values. The SPFI program provides funding to hire faculty who were not recruited through a search with designated funding..

Faculty have incredible achievements in their scholarly activity, teaching, extension, and service that make the University of Arizona a premier institution and our promotion process is one important way in which to honor their work. Our Faculty Affairs team is very proud of our University of Arizona faculty!

Promotion and Tenure

  • University of Arizona faculty that are tenure-eligible faculty are hired as tenure-track faculty and must demonstrate a promise of excellent performance in teaching, service and research to receive tenure.

Continuing Status & Promotion 

  • University of Arizona professionals that are continuing eligible require excellent performance and the promise of continued excellence to receive continuing status.

Career-Track Faculty

  • Promotion requires excellent performance and the promise of continued excellence in teaching, research, and service as determined by the specific duties assigned to the individual faculty member.

The University of Arizona celebrates the exceptional contributions of its faculty, whose work in teaching, research, extension, and service has a profound impact locally, nationally, and globally. Faculty from all tracks and ranks may be eligible for various awards, recognizing their dedication and excellence.

If you have questions on the University Distinguished Faculty Awards, please email Dr. Adrian Arroyo-Perez at arroyopa@arizona.edu.

Faculty Affairs offers the Faculty Development Communities for Promotion (FDCP) Mentoring ProgramThe objective of this program is to prioritize guiding values of excellence, honesty, trustworthiness, and compassion to help communities discuss and navigate their professional development while on the pathway to promotion/tenure.

Faculty from all tracks and ranks are eligible. 

If you have questions on the application procedures, please email Tara Chandler at chandlet@arizona.edu.

One of the highest institutional priorities of the University of Arizona is retaining exceptional faculty. These recommendations include useful, concrete, and relevant retention information for academic departments and colleges in those cases when faculty are being recruited by another institution or organization.

Types of retention efforts

Preventive retention are efforts to identify high-performing faculty who are critical to the strategic initiatives of their department, college, or university, or who are highly accomplished, broadly recognized, or potentially at risk of being recruited by another institution. 

Active retention are efforts to induce high-performing faculty to remain when they are being actively recruited by other institutions. A formal job offer is not required in order to engage in the retention process. 

The University of Arizona is deeply committed to paying comparable salaries for comparable work for all of its employees, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity. Accordingly, we have completed comprehensive review of base salary among tenured and tenure-eligible (T/TE) and career track faculty. 

  • Research
    • Research is essential to strengthening our communities, driving innovation,  growing our economy, preparing a competitive workforce, advancing society, and tackling the complex challenges we face. The Office of Research, Innovation and Impact (RII) expands the capacity of U of A research and innovation enterprise with a focus on translating big ideas into important new knowledge and using the power of that knowledge to improve lives and communities in Arizona and across the globe.
  • Teaching
    • The University Center for Assessment, Teaching and Technology (UCATT) is a campus resource that helps faculty think creatively about teaching and learning, and turn their visions into realities by working collaboratively to create engaging and innovative learning environments
  • National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
    • NCFDD is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. Because the University of Arizona is an Institutional Member, all of our faculty, postdocs, and graduate students are granted free membership using their UArizona e-mail address. 

Life and Work Connections offer health and wellness services for the University employee community:

  • Childcare & parenting
  • Adult & eldercare
  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • Resources for home (financial wellness, legal resources, relocation services and resources for difficult times)
  • Social & community building activities