Proactive Recruitment

Using proactive recruitment, search committees can seek out and attract the best faculty from all over our state, nation, and the world. Each search committee member should take on the responsibility of building a robust candidate pool and personally reaching out to prospective candidates. In fact, the work should be divided strategically among committee members so that no individual committee member is overburdened by the time required for proactive recruitment.  Search committee members can build a list of potential candidates by searching for relevant recent publications, grant or award winners, comparable programs, and other avenues appropriate to the area of specialization. Once created, the list can be divided among committee members so each member contacts several potential candidates detailing the reasons why this position is so attractive and encouraging them to apply. This should be done with a personalized email or phone call.

Proactive recruitment takes time, but it works.  A new faculty hire is one of the most important investments departments make for their future, so it is worth investing the time to proactively recruit. Proactive recruitment can generate a representative group of talented people from which to select a colleague, it signals to applicants that the UA is the kind of highly engaged creative community they want to join, and once an offer is made, candidates are more likely to say yes.


Faculty Search Committee and Recruitment Plan Form (Short Form)

This form must be submitted along with the faculty job requisition to Talent.

UArizona Faculty Search Committee Guidelines 2023

These guidelines are designed to serve as an organizing tool for faculty search committees as they move through the process of faculty recruitment and hiring. 

Criteria Matrix 

The matrix helps committees reach agreement about what is needed for candidates to meet each qualification, how/when we will evaluate candidates on those requirements, and reduces subjectivity in the process.

Review Matrix 

The matrix rating sheet is a tool to compile individual candidate ratings and summary evaluator ratings in one document and should be used in parallel with the criteria matrix.

Applicant Evaluation Tool

The evaluation tool offers a method for department faculty to provide evaluations of job applicants. It is meant to be a template for departments that they can modify as necessary for their own uses.

UArizona Human Resources Guide to Successful Searches

This guide provides a comprehensive look at the search process and important background information regarding laws, regulations and policies that inform best practices.

Group agreements for workshops and meetings - Seeds for Change Org. Resource

They help a group to come to an agreement on how it will work together respectfully and effectively. This in turn enables people to interact more co-operatively and maintain respect for each other. 

Interview questions

A practical UArizona Human Resources library of interview questions and questions to avoid during a job interview. 

UArizona Guidelines for Shared Governance

Memorandum of Understanding that documents the principles of effective decision-making and shared governance at The University of Arizona and is entered into freely by a faculty and an administration committed to a common vision of the mission of the University. 

UArizona Faculty Demographics Report

Faculty composition trends from 2019-2020 and includes a nine-year representation analysis for sex (male/female) and race/ethnicity. 

Considerations in Letters of Recommendation

UArizona Commission on the Status of Women handout to identify considerations within letters of recommendation. 

Respectful Recruitment 

UArizona best practices handout on pronoun use in recruitment.