Post-Tenure Review
In accordance with UHAP 3.2.06, departments are asked to complete a post-tenure audit each fall. Accordingly, every tenured faculty member will have their annual reviews and curriculum vitae reviewed by an elected, college-level peer review committee no less than once every five years. The college-level peer review committee will provide a brief write up of progress to the immediate administrative head who will meet in person with the tenured faculty member to discuss feedback. For associate professors, particular focus will be provided on feedback on their progress toward promotion.
In order to audit this annual performance review process, the dean of each college and an elected faculty committee convened by the dean will review a sufficient number of tenured cases each year to ensure that over a maximum of five years every tenured file is reviewed. The dean’s-level audit will determine the adequacy, fairness, and integrity of the process. If deemed appropriate as a result of the audit, the dean may refer files back to unit-level peer committees.
Results of the Dean’s Level Audit are submitted (see instructions below) to the Office of the Provost by Friday, December 6, 2024.
Report Submission
The process for submitting the Deans’ Level Audit summary information for the Post-Tenure Annual Review Process has been updated. The Deans’ Level Audit information will now be submitted by the Qualtrics Survey, linked below.
Qualtrics Submission Link (A NEW LINK WILL BE PROVIDED FOR 2024)
To help make sure you have correct the data gathered before submitting to Qualtrics, please find a checklist linked here.
The report sections remain the same as in previous years:
2024 Report - Part I (for reviews conducted in 2023)
Part I - Annual Review Summary: A tabulation of the ratings of all tenured faculty in teaching, scholarship/research/creative activities, service, other activity (such as clinical). (There is no need to provide this summary for continuing status faculty.)
2024 Report - Part II (for reviews conducted in 2023)
Part II - Dean's Level Audit: A report of the outcomes of the college audit. The college-level audit should include 20% of the annual reviews of tenured faculty that have been done each year so that over a maximum of five years, every file is reviewed by a panel convened by the dean. The Dean's Level Audit should consist of:
- The number of files that were audited,
- Any problems that were found and the actions that were taken,
- The composition (name and rank) of the panel convened by the dean and how the audit committee was chosen,
- The number of files sent back to departments for re-examination,
- The list of the faculty members whose annual reviews were selected for the post tenure audit, and
- The brief write up of progress that the college-level peer review committee provided to the immediate administrative head.
2024 Report - Part III A & B (for reviews conducted in 2023)
Part III.A: A report on tenured faculty who have entered (or will be entering) a Faculty Development Plan due to a rating of unsatisfactory in one or more areas but who did not receive an overall unsatisfactory rating.
Part III.B: A report on tenured faculty who have entered (or will be entering) a Performance Improvement Plan due to an overall unsatisfactory rating or who have had an unsatisfactory completion of a previous Faculty Development Plan.
A video tutorial is linked here for the Qualtrics survey submission process.