Additions to Dossiers
On rare occasions, significant information on a candidate’s work becomes available during the review process. For example, a candidate receives an award, grant, or publication. Such information may be added using these procedures:
- Candidates notify a committee chair, head, or other administrators of a recent development.
- An administrator or committee chair decides that the information is significant enough to be added to the dossier.
- The candidate is informed that the materials will be added.
- The expanded dossier must be re-reviewed by all levels.
- If the additional materials consist of factual information that might be deleterious to the candidate’s case, the candidate must be given the opportunity to add a response to the dossier.
- If the dossier is under review by the Office of the Provost, a request to amend the dossier must be received by February 6, 2026, unless the request comes from the University Advisory Committee on P&T (Promotion and Tenure) or CS&P (Continuing Status and Promotion). After February 6, 2026, reassessments of dossiers will only be made for exceptional achievements and not for the acceptance of a single article or grant, especially if such work is already listed in candidates’ CVs as being under review.
Notification to Candidates on Promotion Recommendations
As required by UHAP, heads and deans will inform candidates in writing of their recommendation on renewals, promotions, tenure, or continuing status when recommendations are forwarded to the next level for review. Notifications note only the recommendation of the administrator (head, director, or dean) and not of external reviewers or committees.
Appeals of Promotion Decisions
The Provost decides whether an individual will be renewed, promoted, or granted tenure or continuing status. Upon receiving the notice that they will not be promoted and/or non-renewed, candidates may request the reasons for the decision. In the case of the nonrenewal of a tenure-eligible or continuing status-eligible individual up for review in his/her mandatory year, a terminal contract will be offered for the next appointment period.
Candidates may choose to appeal the outcome of their retention, mandatory, or promotion review by writing a letter to the President within thirty days of the notice of the Provost’s decision, following the provisions in University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 3.3.02.E or 4A.3.02.E. The President’s decision is issued in writing and forwarded to the faculty member involved, along with copies to the Provost and the appropriate dean and department head within ninety days of the notice of appeal. The Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure may consider allegations of unlawful discrimination or other unconstitutional actions such as the violation of due process and recommend that additional review or action be taken.