2025-2026 Promotion Dossier Templates and Guide: Career-Track Faculty

Promotion policies and procedures are thoughtfully supervised under the direction of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. University of Arizona appointed personnel that are on the career, continuing, or tenure track are hired as faculty or continuing academic professionals. These employees demonstrate a promise of excellent performance in teaching, service, and research.  Within these general guidelines, promotion criteria are to be developed by the faculty members, continuing academic professionals, and the head or director in each department. They are then approved by and filed with the dean and the Provost.


(UHAP 3.3)

Each department and college establish a standing committee on faculty status to advise the department head and dean before the recommendations are routed to the Office of the Provost. Promotion decisions of Career-track faculty (other than lecturers and clinical faculty) shall involve the following levels of review:

  • Departmental Standing Advisory Committee on Faculty Status; 
  • Department or Unit Head;
  • College Standing Advisory Committee on Faculty Status;
  • Dean of College; and
  • Provost, with input from the Senior Vice Provost for Health Sciences on dossiers from health sciences colleges. 

2025-2026 Career-Track Promotion Dossier Templates:

The webpage contains information for Career-track faculty. For Tenure track and Continuing Status faculty promotion dossier templates and Guides, please visit the 2025-2026 Tenure track and Continuing Status Track Promotion and Dossier Templates webpage.  

  1. 2025-2026 Guide to Career-Track Promotion
    • Career-track submission deadline is Friday, December 12, 2025.

Section#Title Career- Track Promotion
Section 1Summary Data SheetView pdf
Section 2Summary of Candidate's Workload Assignment                                                                                                            

View pdf

(Word document)


Work Impact Statement View pdf
Section 3Departmental & College CriteriaView pdf
Section 4Curriculum VitaeView pdf


List of Collaborators (View List)

 View pdf


Representative WorkView pdf
Section 5Candidate Statement

View pdf

Section 6Teaching Portfolio and Resources (View list)  (View mentoring tableView pdf
Section 7Portfolio for Leadership, Extension, Service or Innovation 

 View pdf


Overview Description and Assessment View pdf


Supplementary Documentation View pdf
Section 8GIDP Membership and Description of Contributions View pdf


GIDP Evaluations (Chair and Dept./Unit Committee)View pdf
Section 9Peer Observation and Provost Award for Innovations in Teaching (PAIT) Nomination View pdf



Peer Observation Form for in-person teaching 

View pdf

Peer Observation Form for online teaching 

View pdf



Provost Award for Innovations in Teaching (PAIT) Form 

View pdf

Provost Award for Innovations in Teaching (PAIT) Criteria 

View pdf

Section 10

Letters from Independent External Reviewers and Collaborators are not required by the university for Career-track candidates. If this section is needed, please contact Faculty Affairs as facultyaffairs@arizona.edu .

Section 11Internal EvaluationsView pdf
Appendix AChecklist for Shared Appointments View pdf
Appendix BSample of Department CriteriaView word document
Appendix CGuidelines for Acknowledgment and Evaluation of Faculty Participation in Graduate Interdisciplinary Program Activities View pdf


Each Spring the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs initiates a launch of the promotion and tenure process with a series of workshops and forums. An updated Guide to the Promotion Process and a set of new dossier templates are available in Spring.  Please view our Promotion Workshops page for the latest information about the promotion process for faculty on the career track, continuing status, and tenure track.


It is essential that faculty and staff carefully follow their departmental and college-level guidelines to ensure a seamless promotion process and a complete and accurate dossier.