Free University-wide MENTOR Institute Training for Faculty, Graduate Students, and Post-docs at the University of Arizona
The purpose of the MENTOR Institute training is to enhance mentoring practices as a means to improve outcomes such as career advancement, obtaining a great job, timely promotion, academic milestones, and graduation. There is also evidence that quality mentoring practices and connections with great mentors is linked to a better sense of belonging and overall satisfaction with one's work. This training is meant for both mentors and mentees.
These trainings were created with expert consultation from University of Arizona faculty, post-docs, and graduate students. We also integrated current best practices from well-established mentoring organizations including the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences (CIMER), the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), and the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN).
This training has two levels:
Level 1: MENTOR Institute Online Training is a completely asynchronous training that can be found in EDGE Learning and takes 60-75 minutes to complete. If you would like to complete the Level 1 training only (you don't ever plan to take the Level 2 training), please register here. If you plan on getting the MENTOR Institute certification by taking both Level 1 AND Level 2 training, please register here. If needed, please use the following directions to register yourself for the training.
Please note that Level 1 of the MENTOR Institute training helps to meet the new expanded National Science Foundation (NSF) requirement in the responsible conduct of research (RCR). For more information regarding this new requirement, please visit the Research, Innovation, and Impact compliance website.
Level 2: MENTOR Institute Synchronous Training can be taken either in-person or virtually (Zoom) and takes 60 minutes to complete. This discussion and activity-based training will focus on the application of the concepts from the asynchronous training where participants will discuss their personal mentoring philosophy and practice positive communication. Registration for the Zoom offering of this training is found in EDGE Learning or you can schedule an in-person training by reaching out to Tara Chandler, Assistant Director, MENTOR Institute at chandlet@arizona.edu or 520-626-4559.
The Level 1: MENTOR Institute Online Training is a pre-requisite for taking the Level 2 training.
Please see below for the communication about the MENTOR Institute Training sent by Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Dr. Ronald Marx and Interim Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation, Dr. Elliott Cheu on August 24, 2023.