Promotion Workshops

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Continuing Status Track

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Preparing Your Packet for Promotion on the Career Track

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Crafting your Candidate Statement for Promotion

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Putting together the Teaching Portfolio and Resources (Section 6)

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Putting together the Portfolio for Leadership, Extension, Service or Innovation (Section 7)

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Department Heads and Directors Promotion Training

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Promotion Peer Review Committee Training 

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

RPT Training for Department, Unit or College Coordinators or Managers​​​​​

  • Associated EDGE Learning: Faculty Profile – RPT for Faculty Affairs Coordinators 
  • Learn how to manage your area’s promotion reviews online with Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).  This workshop will train staff on how to do the following in RPT:
    • uploading documents for a case,
    • soliciting for review letters,
    • managing multiple types of reviews and committees; and
    • sending forward or backward cases through the review steps.

RPT System Training for Associate Deans, Department Heads and Peer Reviewers

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

Training for use of Dossier Management Checklist for Department Coordinators and Faculty Affairs Leads

2025-2026 Promotion Cycle Coming Soon!!!

In-person workshops

These workshops will be hosted by your college, where Dr. Andrea Romero will be in attendance. For further inquiry regarding the workshop dates, please contact your college representative. 

If you have questions about these workshops and presentations, please contact us at