Career-Track Faculty FAQs

Frequently asked questions on Career-Track and Non-Tenure Faculty

Career track is a term used for professors, lecturers, instructors, and other faculty members in non-tenure, benefits-eligible positions that are employed by UA and do not have adjunct or visiting in their title and are expected to continue from year to year.

A faculty member generally needs to be benefits eligible to be considered career track.  Exceptions can be made with the approval of the Office of the Provost.

According to chapter 3 in the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP), lecturers have more limited duties, generally teaching specified lower-division or clinical courses.  Consequently, a transition from a lecturer to a career-track professor position must be “justified by increased responsibilities such as expanded teaching or supervisory duties,” as noted in UHAP 3.3.03.E.



Yes.  According to ABOR Policies, these faculty are considered non-tenure faculty, but the UA will use the term career track in titles for faculty in many non-tenure-eligible positions.

Yes.  Faculty with adjunct and visiting in their titles are not defined as career track.  Part-time faculty (hourly or extra-help) and limited term adjuncts are not eligible for the career-track designation.

Faculty members hired for one year or less will be assigned a non-tenure track title without the career-track designation; however, the title should change to career track if the individuals are reappointed beyond the one-year period.

Additional wording that needs to be included is: “This career-track appointment is not eligible for tenure.”

The related sections in the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel have been revised to include career track references.  Colleges and departments have been asked by Provost Comrie to review and revise their procedures for appointments, annual reviews, and promotion reviews of career-track faculty by November 13.  Notices of Appointment will use the new language beginning July 1, 2018.

Updated offer letters are currently available.  Older versions will be phased between October 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017.  The new offer template will be required as of January 1, 2018.

Notice of Appointments will be revised to reflect the faculty career-track designation beginning July 1, 2018.

The Provost’s Office will collaborate with the college business representatives to identify NT faculty who are eligible for the career-track designation.

Units have some latitude in adding the term career track to titles such as those in the clinical title sequence in the College of Medicine.  

Non-tenure will continue to be used in secondary titles for continuing-status professionals, administrators, and for courtesy appointments for tenure-track faculty.  Non-tenure will also be used in secondary titles of career-track faculty, including those involving split appointments.

In such a case, the faculty title would remain career track.
