Annual Profile, formerly known as UA Vitae, offers a convenient, user-friendly venue for faculty to document their achievements in research, teaching, leadership, service, and outreach. Some details, including research grants and teaching evaluations, appear in Annual Profile automatically. Others can be entered manually or imported from online sources such as Google Scholar. Annual Profile is meant to reduce the amount of time and effort faculty spend each year reporting on their accomplishments and increase the accuracy and consistency of their data.
Background - UAVitae Faculty Fellows
The purpose of the UAVitae Faculty Fellows was to gather stakeholder information to provide recommendations to improve UAVitae. This share-governance team prepared and provided a report of their activities (see linked report below).
Jennifer Martin Librarian

Jennifer Martin is a Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Arizona. She is also a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science in the College of Pharmacy. As an embedded librarian in the College of Pharmacy, her primary role is to support the research and scholarship of faculty, students and staff through consultation, collaboration, and library instruction. She works with faculty to provide integrated library instruction in both the PharmD and graduate curricula and provides expert biomedical literature searching services. Jennifer’s research interests include the study of information literacy skills, for which she was a recipient of the New Investigator Award from American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Her research interests also include the scholarship of teaching and learning, information seeking behavior, embedded librarianship, and assessing the impact of library and drug information instruction for pharmacy students.
Phone: 520-626-3381
Denis M. Provencher Professor, French and Italian

Dr. Denis M. Provencher is Professor of French and Francophone Studies with a research focus on LGBTQ+ and intersectionality in transnational Francophone contexts. He is the editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary journals, Contemporary French Civilization and the new CFC Intersections, both published by Liverpool University Press. Denis recently completed his term (2016-2021) as Head of Department, French and Italian, and also served as interim director (2018) of the Institute for LGBT Studies. He is also former fellow (2018-19) of the Academic Leadership Institute (ALI) and recently completed (2020-21) the Inclusive Leadership Cohort Certificate (ILCC). He also served as a member of Faculty Senate and of the University Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure. Dr. Provencher currently serves on the ILCC steering committee.
Phone: 520-621-7349
George N. Frantziskonis Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

George N. Frantziskonis is a Professor of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics. He is a registered professional civil engineer in the State of Arizona and in the European Union state members. His teaching interests and activities include contemporary, collaborative-style (flipped classroom), multimedia course delivery methods tailored to classroom-based, distance learning, and classes of large enrollment. Frantziskonis’s areas of research interests and activities include multi-and inter-disciplinary multiscale modeling, simulation, and experimentation, material characterization and applications, probabilistic and multiscale problem formulation and description and applications to safety and reliability, behavior of materials at nano-scale, reaction-diffusion-transport and reactive flow problems, smart materials at a multiplicity of scales.
Phone: 520-621-4347
UA Vitae Faculty Fellows Progress Report
In Fall semester 2021, UA Vitae Faculty Fellows were charged with reviewing the current use and impact of UA Vitae. They engaged with key stakeholders who were identified as heavy users of UA Vitae to obtain feedback and then write a summary report of its usage and impact as well as make recommendations of its future implementation to the UA Vitae Faculty Affairs team.
Read the UA Vitae Faculty Fellows Progress Report.
Access the UA Vitae Faculty Fellows One-Page Summary Report