Andrea Romero is Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
Dr. Andrea Romero has been the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs since January 2019. She is the lead administrator on faculty matters related to professional development, career advancement, and support which include hiring, promotion, annual and five-year reviews, leadership development, and retention initiatives for tenure-track, continuing status professionals, career-track, and academic administrators. Through leadership, collaboration, and innovation, Dr. Romero works closely with deans, department heads, faculty and staff to support their work to recruit and retain high-quality faculty, as well as to improve transparency, accountability, and trust. She brings a strong interdisciplinary perspective and a solid track record of mentoring faculty and students. Dr. Romero has spent decades researching collaborative strategies to solve pressing health issues in low-income communities. She has brought these perspectives to Faculty Affairs to create cross-university innovative collaborative projects that contribute to the safety, well-being, and academic success of all faculty.
Dr. Romero is a Professor of Human Development and Family Science, School of Human Ecology in the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences. She served as the director of the Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families from 2015-2019. She worked at Stanford University's School of Medicine in the Prevention Research Center before becoming a faculty member at the University of Arizona in 2000. She earned a doctorate in social psychology and a master's in psychology from the University of Houston, with emphasis on quantitative methodology and adolescent well-being.
Dr. Romero has three books and many peer-reviewed publications focused on adolescent health outcomes. Her work examines community-based participatory action research methods designed to address health and educational factors for youth. Her externally funded research agenda has built community partnerships to find asset-based solutions. She has received numerous awards for her teaching, research, service and leadership. She was a chosen participant in the Academic Leadership Institute (ALI) at the University of Arizona in 2017-2018.
Phone: 520-626-0202
Email: romeroa@arizona.edu